
Championing Justice: Andrew's Pro Bono Journey with Eustolia


Describe your experience working with Eustolia in helping her prepare for her asylum merits hearing.

We had a great time working with Eustolia in preparation for her asylum merits hearing. Eustolia met with us in-person and remotely to discuss general court procedures and to review case details. She knew how important it was for her to tell her story to the judge, and worked hard to review the case materials and prepare for the hearing. It would be difficult for anyone to have to retell the experiences that Eustolia went through before arriving in the United States, but Eustolia faced the challenge head on.

What was the most rewarding part of the process?
The most rewarding part of the process was seeing Eustolia become more confident in telling her story and seeing her stand up for herself at the hearing. Eustolia did not shy away from any difficult questions, and provided strong answers to the DHS attorney’s cross examination that stuck to the truth. Her ability to be an advocate for herself was one of the reasons why we prevailed at the hearing.

What was the most challenging part of the process for you?
The most challenging part of the process was the government attorney’s last-minute attempts to derail the case. As one example, a week before the hearing, the DHS attorney filed a motion to dismiss our client’s asylum hearing without providing any notice or conferring in advance. With CLSEPA’s help, we were able to quickly draft an opposition to the DHS attorney’s motion, which the Judge ultimately denied at the hearing. As another example, DHS came forward with new evidence during direct examination, including concerning continued gang activity and our client’s interview at the border that our FOIA did not return. It would not have been possible for us to draft as strong of an opposition brief or be prepared on these fronts without CLSEPA’s help!

Did you find CLSEPA's mentorship and technical assistance helpful?
CLSEPA’s help and guidance were invaluable to us in preparation for the hearing. From helping us revise briefs to helping us identify supporting case law and answering late night questions, CLSEPA was a true partner in getting Eustolia and her daughter asylum.

What is your advice for pro bono attorneys considering taking on an asylum matter?
Do it! Unfortunately, many asylum applicants don’t receive the help and support they need. Even if you are new to asylum matter, don’t be discouraged. Providing pro bono representation for asylum applicants is very rewarding and any help can make a big difference.
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