We recognize that transformative change comes from the community itself.  Over three decades ago, East Palo Alto was established as an independent city by its residents in a transformative act of self-determination.  Our role as legal advocates is to promote community empowerment and support communities in determining their own futures.

As an East Palo Alto-based organization, many of our services are focused on diverse communities in East Palo Alto.  However, we recognize that the challenges facing the City’s residents are often regional in scope and the need for services extends beyond East Palo Alto’s borders.  As such, we remain an organization that is both rooted in East Palo Alto and serves diverse communities outside of East Palo Alto, particularly where the challenges facing these communities are interrelated.

We will view our work through a broader strategic lens, seeking to help community members achieve a secure and thriving future.  For many of the individuals that we serve, our services will be necessary first to help community members attain personal security – for example, the immigrant survivor of domestic violence who is able to leave her abuser and feel safe after obtaining legal status.  Our ultimate goal is to support community members in achieving not only security and stability but also a thriving future.


CLESPA’s IMMIGRATION PROGRAM believes that providing high quality legal services promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion for our immigrant neighbors and makes our communities stronger. We prioritize services to asylum-seekers and multigenerational families, allowing families to remain together and helping individuals find safety.

CLSEPA’s HOUSING PROGRAM believes everyone should have a safe, stable place to call home. We work with low-income tenants to fight the housing crisis, prevent homelessness, improve living conditions, and stop community displacement.

CLSEPA’s ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM believes everyone deserves a second chance. We empower clients to attain economic security for themselves and their community.



Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto (CLSEPA) and its predecessor agency, the East Palo Alto Community Law Project, have a long standing history of noteworthy service in East Palo Alto and neighboring communities. Since East Palo Alto’s incorporation in 1983, the legal services offered to the community have continuously expanded in response to evolving needs.

We are an organization that is both rooted in East Palo Alto and that serves diverse communities outside of East Palo Alto, particularly where the challenges facing these communities are interrelated. For many of the individuals we assist, our services are a necessary first to help community members attain personal security and stability. However, our ultimate goal is to empower individuals to attain a thriving future and to have a transformative impact on the broader community.

East Palo Alto and neighboring communities face daunting challenges – in particular, widening regional inequality, increasing displacement of families to outlying areas, and a growing underclass of undocumented immigrants subject to abuse and predatory practices. For many years, East Palo Alto was the only city between San Francisco and San José with a rent stabilization ordinance, and it remains one of the few pockets of relative affordability in San Mateo County, which is among the top three most expensive counties in the country. But, East Palo Alto may undergo drastic transformation in coming years, as potentially thousands of community members are forced out of the city and region because their incomes fail to keep pace with the skyrocketing cost-of-living.


To view our latest annual impact report, please click here.