
Making a Difference: My Journey with CLSEPA's Mandatory Settlement Conference Clinic


Can you describe how you first got involved with CLSEPA's Mandatory Settlement Clinic (MSC) and share the journey of your volunteer experience with us?

I got to know about the opportunity to volunteer at CLSEPA’s MSC through Cooley LLP, back in 2022. It was a simple process to sign up, following which I attended CLSEPA’s training session to understand the laws in California that protect tenant rights. What I appreciated the most about CLSEPA’s training approach was that they let me “shadow” MSCs for the first couple times before I took on cases by myself. I’ve been doing this for two years now, and every week, I continue to learn something new about tenant rights at the MSC, thanks to the wonderful CLSEPA attorneys that serve as mentors at every clinic. The clinic on Tuesday mornings is now a staple in my schedule and something I look forward to every week.  

Could you share a memorable experience or success story from your work at the MSC that has left a lasting impression on you?

I have so many, because the experience is truly humbling and gratifying. In one of my MSC’s, I had a client that was in dire straits – his mother and sister, who lived with him, were undergoing advanced medical issues that required surgery within a week or two of the clinic and he had recently lost his job. He was neither in a position to move out nor pay his rent dues immediately, given the medical bills – and the landlord was adamant in wanting him to move out within the month based on many unsubstantiated claims against my client. It took a great deal of discussion with my client and convincing the landlord to arrive at a pay-and-stay agreement that was agreeable to both parties. While my client was thrilled at the result, I recall he broke down in relief that he did not lose a roof over his head given his tragic circumstances. This incident made me realize the magnitude of the impact that CLSEPA has on a daily basis, and I greatly appreciated the opportunity to play a part in making such a significant change in someone’s life.

What aspects of volunteering with CLSEPA and supporting clients at the MSC do you find most fulfilling and rewarding?

Incidents like the one I described above make me want to come back often to volunteer. The attorneys that I’ve worked with at CLSEPA are such wonderful, kind and smart people. They truly care about the work they do and their spirit is infectious. Every week, I hear about my clients’ circumstances, their everyday struggles and their challenges – trying my best to brighten their day and allowing them to keep their residence, is a humbling, fulfilling and rewarding experience for me.

How has your involvement with CLSEPA impacted your professional growth and shaped your perspective as an attorney?

It has had a great deal of impact in my practice. I am a venture capital attorney at Cooley LLP, and I work with founders and emerging companies through their various inflection points at different stages in their life cycle. Volunteering at CLSEPA has taught me what it really means to “listen” and not just hear, my MSC clients’ concerns and challenges, and I consciously apply that to my practice as well.

What advice would you offer to fellow attorneys who are considering volunteering their legal services for the MSC or similar community initiatives?

Definitely give it a shot! Volunteering at the MSCs will make you a better and more compassionate lawyer, and provide a unique opportunity to change the lives of many families.


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